Wednesday, October 27, 2010

lingerie thief or i missed them when i was taking out the laundry?

i realized i have 2 bras missing and mayb a few panties are missing too. hhmm.....

one major good thing today; i can do my quiz!! its a miracle!!!!!!! i was so nervous and none of the ppl i know is in the same tutorial with me. my mind was frozen and i know i need to talk to someone.. thank god i got my iphone that connects me to the world..

work was fine ntg much but had a good chat with david. mayb i should join their company after i grad. or some company in that industry.
im already looking for escape route b4 i grad coz i know i wont be an engineer.

or perhaps i should just learn how to cook and be a future good housewife. ahhaha

maths maths maths...... must get into the mood!!!!!

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