Real live drama is always a good way to start the morning especially you are half awake riding on the mrt. So this morning i started leaving my room at about 7 and most of the time I wasnt aware of my surrounding basically im like sleep walking. Even after i entered the train i was fishing. Then I witnessed the most awaking drama. There was this lady in wheelchair wanted to board the train and she asked if the lady inside could give way coz she was blocking the way. So this chibai lady moved unwillingly and stared at the poor lady in wheelchair after she entered. Then things got so heated up that all the diu nia sing and diu nia ma came out. the chibai lady started with the diu ing first and the funny things was she denied and keep on saying the lady in wheelchair started using all the vulgar words first. so for few rounds it went like this.
Chibai Lady No.1: diu nia sing!!!
Pitiful Lady in wheelchair: diu nia ma!!!!
Chibai Lady No.1: diu mat ye. ni yao lan meh? ni lan hou lan dai ah?!!
Pitiful Lady in wheelchair: ngo mou lan ni yao lan. !!
Chibai Lady No.1: chan fai dai sai ah?!!
Pitiful Lady in wheelchair: ni lei si ha chor ah!!
Chibai Lady No.1: diu nia ma!!!
Pitiful Lady in wheelchair: ni mou lan diu mat?!!
with very limited vocab they diu each other providing free porno for ppl in the train.
all i can hear were diu and lan. they should probably attend account class taught by ah jie so that they can improve their vocab at least the diu ing will be more versatile and we who are watching are more entertained.
ok i shouldnt be so bad.. but i really pity the lady in wheelchair coz in the end when i left she was crying and she mentioned she was in wheelchair for 11 years.